Italian Delegates
Agent for Italian Organisations and Participants
TWT srl, has been entrusted to collect the applications from pharmaceutical companies (participating as sponsors or exhibitors) for the Italian Ministry of Health agency AIFA procedure, in compliance with the instructions given by the Legislative Order 219 of the 24th April 2006 – art. 124.
Further details are available on AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco – Tel. +39 06 5978401)
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Click on : Authorization for Congresses & Meetings
Please contact TWT srl no latest than 70 days before the beginning of the congress.

Mr. Gianni Frontani / gfrontani[at]
Mrs. Anna Lupidi / alupidi[at]
Via Arrigo Davila 130
00179 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 06 4424 9321
Fax: +39 06 9933 1533